Free tutorial to use nail boards safely.


Main instructions:

  1. You can practice with socks or barefoot. Acupressure happens either way.

  2. Start with at least 1 min and increase the time with each practice. The optimal daily practice is 10 min.

  3. Warm up your body with movement and clear your mind with breathwork.

  4. Set an intention. It will be your motivation in a challenging time.

  5. Place your nail boards on your yoga mat in front of you.

  6. Use your hands to lean onto the support in front of you (chair, desk, or forearms of another person).

  7. On the exhale, slowly step with one foot in the middle of one board, then place the other foot onto the second board. Don't rush, no jumping on. Let go of the support when ready. Place one hand on your chest, and one on the belly to feel your breath.

  8. Focus on your breathing. Inhale through the nose, long audible exhale through the mouth. Making the long sound "Om" helps most people to overcome intensity. Remember your intention. 

  9. In about 5-10 min you will get over your threshold of sensations. Pain will gradually become manageable, then disappear. Mind-chatter will dissolve into a calm silence. The whole body will fully relax. This ultra presence is so worth it! 

  10. When you feel done, use the support to gently step off the board with one foot at a time. Don't rush, and no jumping off.

  11. The feet might be sensitive for the next 5-10 min. Sit down near your boards and close your eyes for a short grounding meditation. Focus on the tingling sensations in your feet, feel your breath, and notice any change in your mind.

  12. Always close your nail boards right after each use to avoid accidents.

  13. Enjoy your focused mind and grounded body. Apply this resilient, calm mindset to life challenges and your intention.


  • Place boards on your yoga mat or a non-slippery surface.

  • No jumping, no rushing on or off the boards.

  • Step gradually distributing weight evenly onto each foot.

  • Always close your boards right after practice to avoid accidents.

  • Supervise children and pets around the nail boards.

  • Contradictions: pregnancy, menstruation, wounds, acute diseases. 

  • If unsure, please consult your doctor.


  • Keep boards away from moisture, sand, heat and cold to avoid damage.

  • Close the boards for storage.

I love this board. Ever since I've bought a board, I stand on it every day. It has truly become part of my daily routine. Morning, afternoon, night, tired, awake, post-workout, this board makes you feel amazing every time you stand on it. I can't recommend this board enough to anyone considering getting it. Great quality yield great results.

Paul Boutoussov
Professional ECHL hockey player,
Manager @ mTrigger biofeedback for physical therapy

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